Welcome to the CraTeX website! CraTeX is the Crate Bridge committee from ConcepT, the study association for Civil Engineering. We are going to try to set a world record by building a crate bridge (bridge only made from crates) with the longest span possible. The attempt will take place on the 12th of March 2022. In the upcoming months towards the event we will take you along in the process and show you what we are working on exactly.
Click on the link to get to our livestream and radio:
Besides the website you can also follow us on other social media:
13-09-2022 Aftermovie
For those that want to relive the Cratebridge, there is the long awaited aftermovie:
13-04-2022 Thanks to our partners
We could not have build the cratebridge without help of our partners. They helped us provide various materials, supplies, so once more we want to thank them for their support in joining us in our project!

13-04-2022 Thank you!
Special thanks to the following people that were so kind to support our bridge building project!
Thank you very much for helping us, we hope that you enjoyed seeing our progress during construction!

13-03-2022 Record attempt failed

We want to thank all those that supported us: so our sponsors/partners, our building crew and the (digital) visitors to our event. Despite not being able to break the record, we still look back at our bridge on supports as a beautiful structure. On top of that our journey towards this day has been incredibly enlightening experience.
12-03-2022 Record attempt delayed to evening!
We will continue to work on lowering the supports this evening, to make a final run at the record this evening with the help of construction site lighting. You can follow the stream here: from 19:30.
Or pass by in person.
11-03-2022 Tomorrow record attempt at 15:00 afternoon
You can pass by from 11 to 17 o’clock for questions. Or come for a drink at a crate table between 14 and 17 o’clock.

02-03-2022 Update from the building site!

25-02-2022 Construction has started!

24-02-2022 First deliveries at construction site!

21-02-2022 Announcement: start of construction!

07-02-2022 Support the CrateBridge!
22-12-2021 Shear Mat Testing video
05-12-2021 Record attempt date: 12 of March 2022
27-11-2021 New committee members
To reinforce our committee and push us towards a succesful attempt at breaking the record, a few new members joined the committee. On this page you can see who the new members are.
– Tim will become Secretary
– Jochem will become Chief of External Affairs
– Lars will become Chief of Logistics
– Welmoed will become Chief of Building Process
In the process of designing the crate bridge some parameters had to be defined to create the optimal construction. Therefore some of us went to the concrete lab a while ago to do some crate testing. How this works you can see in the aftermovie we put together!
02-06-2021 Our first sponsor Grolsch!
At Grolsch, craftsmanship is important to us. As a modern brewery, we have a constant focus on sustainability and innovation, and are we always looking for better ways to make our processes as efficient as possible. We challenge ourselves to go that little bit further. Partly for this reason, we are very proud to work with study association ConcepT in the challenge they have set themselves: building a crate bridge!
The pleasant cooperation between Grolsch and ConcepT has been going on for several years. Although the crate bridge unfortunately did not make it last time, we were no less impressed by the innovative capacity that was in the construction. This time too we are excited to see the creative, innovative way the team will convert our 10,000 crates into a 36 meter long bridge. Of course we have every confidence in the team, but whether or not the bridge will save the hour: it is in any case a fine example of Craftsmanship and Mastership!
There is nothing left for us but to wish the team a lot of success in their challenging project. We are very much looking forward to the masterful construction!

12-05-2021 From the ConcepT board
Here in Twente we have an innovative University and we, as ConcepT, the Study Association for Civil Engineering, have the same mindset. Within this mindset we would like to go big and how can you achieve this better than with attempting a world record. A world record for making the largest span with only crates.
We, as Board of Study Association ConcepT, are very proud of our CraTeX committee. The motto of our Board is “Quidquid Accidit, Construere Perseveramus”, which freely translated means: No matter what happens, we keep building and I think that this is exactly what the CraTeX committee is doing. During these strange times, they keep up the spirit and keep on building on all the aspects that are concerning the greater goal; making the largest span of a bridge with only crates. We are looking forward for the world record attempt at the end of the year!
On behalf of the 33rd Board of ConcepT,
Nick van Nijen
First of all what exactly is a Crate Bridge? A crate bridge is a bridge made up only
of crates, simple right? In reality, this is a little more difficult. In a
construction, different forces are acting, think of gravity and different compression
and tensile forces. To keep the bridge standing, all these forces must be in
equilibrium, which requires a well thought out design.
Do you want to know more about the design of a crate bridge?
09-04-2021 CraTeX has kicked off again!
Hey there! Nice that you take time to read about the CraTeX. What is the CraTeX? We are a committee of students that will be trying to set a world record. What world record? Typically, a student world record: building a bridge of crates with the longest span as possible. It might seem easy, but we can assure you that this is not the case… After the previous attempt, which unfortunately did not succeed, we are back at it again, with fresh people to take the lead. In the upcoming months towards the event, we will be giving insights in the processes and updates about our progression. Of course, you do not want to miss a spectacular event like this and therefore we see you thinking, when will this activity take place and where? The exact data is still unknown, but the attempt to break the world record will most likely take place in autumn. The bridge will be built on the Campus of the University of Twente, near the main entrance. There will hopefully, if the regulations regarding corona allow it, be entertainment around the construction site. We hope to see that many of you will pass by for a refreshing drink when the time is there!

The new Crate Bridge committee looks as follows:
Jaime de Bruin – Chairman
Maaike Uijttenboogaard – Secretary
Brian Oppers – Treasurer
Walter Winkel – Chief of internal affairs
Denise Thus – Chief of external affairs
Wybren de Jong – Chief of external affairs
Carmen Asbreuk – Chief of logistics
Gert-Jan Blom – Chief of design
Madieke van Oosterhout – Chief of design
Nick van Nijen – Chief of design
Welmoed Spanjer – Chief of design